A real thought leader in the architecture industry, Luca is currently VP of Architecture at DAZN- a cloud based sports video platform that offers content to worldwide user base.
Luca’s passion for microfrontends has transformed him into an author, speaker for over 150 conferences/webinars and is a real industry expert.
VINTAGE: Micro-frontends- when to use them and when not to use them?!
LM: Usually, micro-frontends are used when projects needs 30-40 developers.
We use micro-frontends at DAZN and other companies that adopt this method are Elsevier, IKEA, Skyscanner, Fiverr, Starbucks to name some examples.
Ultimately, there are multiple reasons for using micro-frontends.
These can include:
Porting of a legacy application to a new framework or language
Scaling an organization creating independent teams that operates in a decentralise way
Derisking deployment of a mid-size large frontend application
Micro-frontends are all about modularising a system to provide more agility and less risk
VINTAGE: Are there specific best practices to adhere to when implementing micro-frontends?
LM: I created a decisions framework which is built on 4 key pillars
1. Definition
2. Composition
3. Route
4. Communication
Each of these pillars plays a key role in the outcome for any project.
Firstly, we need to identify and define what is a microfrontend
Three options are available when composing micro-frontends in client side, edge-side and server side composition.
Based on the composition pattern decided we should route between views accordingly, often the route mechanism happens at the same level the composition happens
When we have multiple micro-frontends in the same page we can use mechanisms like event bus, custom events, signals or reactive streams.
When instead we have to communicate between views we can rely on web storage or backend APIs
VINTAGE: How can Micro-frontends be implemented to a new organisation?
It starts by creating a POC and explaining to the business stakeholders of the benefits the organisation.
When engaging with stakeholders about a micro-frontends approach and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this method it is important to focus on business Benefits and organisational impact
VINTAGE: What are the business benefits for adopting a micro-frontends approach?
Micro-frontends bring many benefits to an organisation such as independency within the team, riskless deployment, reduction of cognitive load for developers, and encourages innovation. There are also many challenges with micro-frontends including increase of silos inside a business and the need for higher investment in automation pipelines
However, when introducing micro-frontends to a business, the emphasis must be on not just technical advantages but the organisation benefits too.
When working with multiple teams, it’s a complex environment and have to create guard rails and boundaries for teams to encourage them to make the decisions.
It is important to change the mindset and installing the power in teams.
Many businesses lose developers as they cannot innovate as fast as they like. Micro-frontends are not just a technical solution but a shift of mindset to approach frontend architectures
VINTAGE: What websites, podcasts, blogs do you follow to continue your learning?
Podcast – master of scale
Modern CTO
Change log
EDL cast- link between architecture and team structure
Thanks Luca. I know our audience will enjoy hearing about microfrontends and the benefits to an organisation